Research Awards

Types and primary eligibility for filing nominations

Young Researcher Award


  • Not more than 35 (DOB Jan 01, 1986 and later)
  • SCOPUS h-index: 05 excluding self citations
  • Ph.D. in respective branch
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The nominees with exceptional capacities in research.
    This researcher should be of undeniable trustworthiness, honest and ethical character.
    The quality of research will be measured with all minute details expected from a trustworthy researcher.

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    Outstanding Researcher Award


  • 35 to 50 (DOB 01 Jan, 1971 to 31 Dec 1985)
  • SCOPUS h-index: 10 excluding self citations
  • Ph.D. in respective branch
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The nominees with exceptional capacities in research.
    This researcher should be of undeniable trustworthiness, honest and ethical character.
    The quality of research will be measured with all minute details expected from a trustworthy researcher.

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    Life Time Research Awards


  • 50 (DOB Before 01 Jan, 1971)
  • SCOPUS h-index: 15 excluding self citations
  • Ph.D. in respective branch
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The nominees with exceptional capacities in research.
    This researcher should be of undeniable trustworthiness, honest and ethical character.
    The quality of research will be measured with all minute details expected from a trustworthy researcher.

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    Outstanding Dean (Research and Development)


  • Working as Dean (Research and Development) from at least 02 year in relevant category
  • All following activities will be counted during the tenure
  • Published average 01 SCOPUS indexed paper / professor / year (Total papers/Total professors > 1)
  • Institute has completed at least one consultancy project
  • Institute has received major research project grants (>50000 USD)
  • Institute has organized at least one national/international event annual or biannual
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The nominees with exceptional capacities in administration of various research activities admired by peers, institutes, and students.
    The Dean R & D should be of undeniable trustworthiness, honest, and ethical character.
    It is believed that the overall research growth is collective efforts of directing person along with team members.

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    Outstanding Research Group Award


  • Published average 02 SCOPUS indexed paper / researchers / year (Total papers/Total researchers > 1)
  • Conversion of minimum 01 research for commercialization per year
  • Patents will be desirable
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The nominees with exceptional capacities of research group admired by various stakeholders.
    The output of research group should be undeniable trustworthiness and honest.
    It is believed that the overall research growth of the group is collective efforts of team members.

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    Outstanding Journal Publication Award


  • Journal published by Institute or University
  • Journal Indexed in SCOPUS or Web of Science
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The journal will be evaluated on the impact factor, subject, international contributions, publication frequency, citations, editorial board, etc.

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    Noteworthy Postgraduate Thesis Award


  • Completed Postgraduation 01 January 2019 onwards
  • 01 publication in SCI or 02 publications in SCOPUS indexed journal based on research work
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The thesis will be evaluated on the basis of quality, subject significance, publications and research output.

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    Noteworthy Ph.D. Thesis Award


  • Completed Ph.D. 01 January 2019 onwards
  • 02 publications in SCI or 04 publications in SCOPUS indexed journal based on Ph.D. research work
  • Patent based on research work will be desirable
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The thesis will be evaluated on the basis of quality, subject significance, publications and research output.

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    Noteworthy Post-Doctoral Research Award


  • Completed Post-Doctoral research 01 January 2019 onwards
  • Publications in SCI indexed journal based research work
  • Patent based on research work will be desirable
  • Research commercialization is desirable
  • Evaluation Criteria

    The research will be evaluated on the basis of quality, subject significance, publications and research output.

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